Operation HOPE Hits 200th HOPE Inside Location Mark Nationwide. ‘America’s Financial Coach’ for the Underserved.

30 years ago this past May 5th, 2022, Operation HOPE was founded in South Central Los Angeles, California. This month I am proud to share than we have hit the 200th HOPE Inside location nationwide. Our plan call for 1,000 locations, and the embedding of the model into...

1.5M+ Views: Video “There is a Difference Between Broke and Being Poor.”

As I had said since the day I founded Operation HOPE following the Rodney King Riots of April 29th, 1992, “there is difference between being broke and being poor. Being broke is a temporary economic condition, but being poor is a disabling state of mind, and a...

Introducing the new John Hope Bryant Holdings, LLC Website

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the founding of Operation HOPE, the largest nonprofit financial inclusion organization in America, and on the eve of the successful recapitalization of The Promise Homes Company, the largest in its category, and which I...

John Hope Bryant on CNBC: Companies that Stand for Social Justice do Better

PLEASE WATCH AND SHARE. Americans — or at least low wealth, working class and minority Americans — are signaling that they are willing, on balance, to share a proportionate amount of personal financial pain, this time in the form of higher gas prices, if it means...

3 Black Men. $300 Million. A Time for Change. That Time is Now.

Since the beginning of 2020, and over the last 15 months in particular, the nation has experienced both extraordinarily pain, and extraordinarily transformation, all in the same breath. To be specific, 2020 brought the worse health pandemic since the Spanish Flu, the...

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