A Salute to a Legend. Thomas Dortch, Jr.

Sadness. Because of weather, I was not be able to make it back to Atlanta, Ga, in time for my dear friend Tommy Dortch, Jr’s memorial home going at New Birth Church, as led and organized by our friend Reverend Jamal Bryant. Thankful to Rev. Bryant and the church for...

The New Marshall Plan and the Resetting of a Nation.

How We Got here. The problems and challenges in America that we are experiencing today can be summarized both in the context of 1) a slight or disrespect to one’s mother in law, and 2) the most basic of math problems.  Both of which, unlike race issues, ignorance...

140+ Television Markets Announced. Andrew Young Presents announces first national air times and dates for newest documentary, ‘The Color of Money.’

This final segment of the Andrew Young Presents documentary series for 2018, speaks to the final, unfinished work focused on poverty eradication by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. And his team of advisors -- including his chief lieutenant (now Ambassador) Andrew Young....

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