“Racing is like chess, only at 150 mph”

John Hope Bryant

Why I Love Formula 1, And Then Avoid It

Why I Love Formula 1, And Then Avoid It

I Formula 1, in part because I love excellence and Formula 1 is best in class when it comes to motorsports auto racing.  Best in class because automobile manufacturers pour unlimited resources into showcasing their brand and capabilities.  Best in class because of the...

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Why I like Auto Racing

Why I like Auto Racing

his weekend I attended the Lotus Owners Club Atlanta meeting, where we toured Kinetic/Kia Racing, and afterwards joined famous race car driver Doc Bundy for lunch.  And it was over lunch, in conversation...

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Bryant Group Racing. My New Passion

Bryant Group Racing. My New Passion

People know me mostly through my public and professionals passions, but motorsports and auto racing rank as a very serious personal passion of mine, beyond God, family and friends of course. In addition to completing the Skip Barber Formula Racing School at Sebring...

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iRacing – My New Personal Therapy

iRacing – My New Personal Therapy

It's hard to describe the adrenaline rush, and sense of pure expression that happens to a person when in the driver's seat of a precision crafted, laser scanned supercars and racing cars.  This is professional motorsports racing simulation, on a global scale.  iRacing...

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My Custom Motorsport Simulation Racing Rig

My Custom Motorsport Simulation Racing Rig

Designed and built in collaboration with Sevan Torossian (my IT Chief at Operation HOPE), in his spare time, this first ever Bryant Group iRacing Simulation Rig is truly a one of a kind.  And it's top of the mark. While it continues to evolve and to be actively...

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